Tuesday, September 30, 2008


During my quiet time this morning, I happened to pick up a book that my wife and I purchased some time ago. "Then Sings my Soul" by Robert J. Morgan. While thumbing through the pages, I came upon one hymn that stood out and spoke to me. It speaks of the grace of gratitude.
The grace of gratitude should be a natural development in a Christian who has experienced the warmth and radiance of the love and mercy and forgivness of Christ. It should be as easy for us to be grateful to God as it is for a bird to sing. A rose has no power to retain and imprison its fragrance. The grace and gratitude should be just as spontaneous and irrepressible in the heart of a Christian.
We can never make a complete list of the things for which we should be thankful to God for. The truest gratitude is not concerned with mere inventories but with an overflowing sense of appreciation that covers all blessings, known and unkown. The impulse to the grace of gratitude cannot be better expressed than in the verse "Because thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee."
What a glorious way to begin the day!?

In His Service

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