Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A "Wonderful" weekend

I have to say that this past weekend, especially Sunday was an extraordinary weekend all together. We had time for "family", we had time for "friends", we had "special" time that was dedicated to a "very special" member of our family.
My wife and I have two boys, whom are grown and gone now with their own families. However, we have been "Blessed" to have a young lady who has adopted us as her second set of parents. We had the opportunity to have her with us on Sunday and the day was just incredible! Time was spent together and also one on one. She was afforded the opportunity to learn how to crochet from my mother and also learned a "few more tricks" from the Matriarch of the family! We even had time to take the dog for a walk and have some quiet time as a Dad and a Daughter only can. We discussed several things, but one stood out to me, that is to Love one another.
I know almost no one who is contented with him or herself today. Men and women seem to be groping for something higher and beyond materialistic things. No one seems to sit alone with fortune full content. Merely making money is no longer to make good. One must be useful to others. This is the center of Jesus' teaching: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you......Love one another."
We are living in a complex world and its problems are difficult and confusing. Even in doing good one must use wisdom. We have not yet reached that point in spritual advancement where we can sell everything that we have and give it to the poor, but we have caught something of the real meaning of Jesus' teaching.

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