Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who can be a Disciple?

I have been asked by one of my co-workers as to my faith and then a stunning question was asked as to who could be called a disciple!?
When Jesus walked the face of the earth, His most intimate relationship was with the twelve apostles. Men who He personally selected and called to follow Him. From a distance, we might think that a friendship with the Lord of the universe would be reserved for gifted or very religious people.
But, as I told my co-worker, take a closer look. Those twelve were people just like you and me. They were not distinguished for their natural talents or intellectual power. They were prone to mistakes, wrong attitudes, lapses in faith and bitter failures. They came mainly from ordinary occupations that never would have suggested they were candidates for spiritual success.
Yet those ordinary men had an extrodinary relationship with the Master. The talked with Him, walked with Him and heard Him teach. They even saw Him lay hands on the sick and raise the dead to new life. Eventually they heard Him call them "friends" (John 15:14-15). Imagine, "friends" with God Himself!
I then asked my co-worker if he longed for an "intimate" relationship with our God and Savior? I told him that God delights in making Himself known to those who have no special talents or pedigree. He does not look for those with earthly accomplishments, but for those who have humble hearts and bow before the authority of His Word (Isaiah 66:2)
My co-worker now has something to think about! We are contiuing our dialoge this week which is making me do even more studying than I have previously done. As we progress through this, i will continue to write more about our discussions.

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